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Jetty Fishing

Beachport jetty fishing

Types of fish

Salmon, garfish, tommies, flathead, whiting, mullet, trevalley, port jackson, gummy and school shark, barracuda, squid...


Small hooks (long shank no.10)


There are no rules when it comes to this. One day they will take cockles, then cray tail and then prawn. A no.10 hook will land a pound whiting and you have the advantage of being able to catch the smaller fish on the same gear. Keep your bait small.


When fishing with 2 rods it is advisable to have a float on one and use the other on the bottom.


Jetties at Beachport & Southend. Best time to go is an hour either side of the tide.

FOR The KIDS (5-17): Rivoli Bay Jetties Junior Fishing Competition is held each April school holiday. It's a fun opportunity to have a go and with great prizes to be won!

Boat Fishing

Beachport boat fishing shark

Types of fish

In the bay: Whiting, mulloway, flathead, salmon, garfish, mullet. Out deep also: snapper, shark, tuna, nanygai and a variety of other species.


Burley is a must for good fish catches. Do not overfeed.


Rivoli Bay - Good areas for night dabbing Garfish near the Jetty. Out deep varies locations.


For fishing outside this area a good sea boat of at least 5m is a minimum requirement. The wind can rise very quickly and cause trouble if you are not prepared. If you have an echo sounder look for the higher peaks and drop offs. If not, and there is a swell, look for the 'boils'. Drifting can also be productive in these areas, anchoring when fish are found. Heavy gear is used for Snapper, Mulloway and Gummy Shark.

Boat ramp permits available at Beachport information centre, Jarmos Petrol Station or EasyPark online.

Fishing Charters are available from Beachport with Seeker Charters

Beach Fishing

Beachport beach fishing Josh Hales

Types of fish

Salmon, mulloway, rays, flathead, snapper, small shark and king whiting..


Cockle (for whiting), fish fillets, pilchard's, squid, craytails or octopus.


Longer rods (12 foot) are normally required/advised but if not available try what you have. A good reel with 300 yards of at least 20 pound line with 6.0 to 7.0 hooks is suggested. Salmon hole use 30-50gm metal lures. This type of fishing is best at sunrise, sunset or an overcast day.


Excellent surf beaches stretch around Rivoli Bay from Beachport to Southend. Various locations within the Beachport Conservation Park and Canunda National Park. Accessible by 4WD or take 2WD vehicles as far as possible and then travel on foot.

Rock/Reef Fishing

Beachport fishing drop netting crayfish

Types of fish

Salmon, mullet, snapper, sweep, crayfish (with drop nets).


Cockle, pilchards, red meat & fish strips. Float fishing is best but heavier gear can be used if trying for Salmon etc.


Various locations within the Beachport Conservation Park and Canunda National Park. Accessible by 4WD or take 2WD vehicles as far as possible and then travel on foot. Note: Please be aware of the tracks on which you drive and that they do not enter private property.

CAUTION: For large waves and unsafe cliffs. Do not wear rubber waders as they could possibly fill with water.

Estuary Fishing

Bream Southend Drain

Types of fish

Bream, mullet.




Southend Drain

Mesh net fishing in Lake George

Lake George is the only area in the State where open access to the use of recreational mesh nets are permitted. There are an abundance of Lake George mullet to be caught and as you can see by this photo of Ashley Madden, the birdlife is pretty healthy too.

Apply for or Renew a Mesh net registration HERE

Please look after Lake George.

General Fishing Tips and info:

  • Ask a local fisherman

  • The weather and tide movement are the number one priority. Conditions are generally calmer early in the morning.

  • To obtain a boat ramp permit for Beachport fishing visit the Beachport Visitor Info Centre, Jarmos Petrol Station or EasyPark online. Whilst there perhaps pick up a size, bag & boat limit brochure.

  • Mulloway like deeper gutters and bite best on a rising tide, an overcast sky and murky water. They respond best to vibration of live bait. Best 2-4 days either side of a full moon.

  • Oct - May are best for Snapper and Whiting. Try for these on a filling tide and snapper on a high tide.

  • Flathead bite well an hour each side of low tide and also when the moon and tides are rising.

  • Beach Fishing is best when dawn or dusk coincide with a high tide.

  • A cheap option for Burley: chicken pellets or bran mixed with a little tuna oil.

  • Deep Sea Fishing - best on change of tides. "No run, no fun if thers no tide".

  • Recreational Fishing Licenses are not required in SA (except crayfish)

  • PIRSA Mt Gambier Office: 08 8735 1300

  • SE Regional Office: 08 8735 1177

If you have no luck catching anything head to the Lobster Pot along the foreshore in Beachport to purchase all your fresh seafood. Or check our local eating spots for some great seafood dishes.

Compiled by Rachel Hales. Photo contributors:: Rachel Hales, Leni Clifford, Josh Hales, Henry Bowering, Eli Kneen, Brayden Chambers, Rivoli Bay Junior fishing FB page, Axel Joyce.


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